Making of an [incredible] MD | Podcast by Halad to Health
Making of an [incredible] MD | Podcast by Halad to Health
Season 3, Episode 31 | with SUBHASHI
🌐 You can now listen to our Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify & YouTube.
📢 About this MINI MOCK series:
This mini series is all about giving students an opportunity to practice some MMI stations, with examiners who have done it all before. Each episode we have a new station type and new student having a go at answering it! As the listener, you will be able to hear what a response sounds like as well as get some guidance from our examiners who are all successful med applicants.
🎓 About This Station:
Station 12: You come across a dishevelled looking 50 year old homeless man on the side of a street with a sign explaining the reasons for his homelessness and asking for money.
1. How do you make the decision whether or not to give him money?
2. What if it was a child?
3. What are the wider implication for homelessness for society?
4. How can medical school students help the homeless? What can we do to stop it?
5. Do you think the government provides enough services for disadvantaged minority groups?
📢 About Making Of An Incredible MD Podcast:
Making Of An Incredible MD is the podcast for aspiring medical professionals.
Last season we geared you up with a ton of different topics and ethical dilemmas to think about in the medical field ...and on this season of the podcast we’re taking you behind the scenes of LIVE MMI Mock Stations that we run for our students who are about to sit their med interviews.
If you want more MMI guidance:
Enrol in our Complete MMI Mock Rounds 👉https://bit.ly/COMPLETEMMI
👉 gabbi@haladtohealth.org
🌍 About Halad to Health:
This Podcast is hosted by Halad to Health, a NFP that runs Australia's most affordable GAMSAT & Med Interview tuition services, where all proceeds go towards providing free health education in rural Philippines.
💻Halad to Health Website 👉www.haladtohealth.org
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